Who We Are

Mission Statement

Operating under the guidelines of the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act, OhioMeansJobs was created for Jefferson County businesses and citizens in order to provide a single system that offers an array of employment, education and training programs and partners' services. The goal of Ohio Means Jobs is twofold:

  • Coordinate programs and resources in Jefferson County so individuals have easy access to a seamless system of workforce investment services that will enhance their long-term employability.
  • Access for businesses to employment and training information that will meet their workforce and developmental needs.

OhioMeansJobs is a combined effort of the following groups . . .
(by clicking on the groups underlined you can be linked directly to their websites)

  • Jefferson County Commissioners

    Provides county leadership 
    Phone: 740-283-8500 
    Fax: 740-283-8599

  • Jefferson County Community Action Council, Inc.

    Designed as the One Stop Operator for Jefferson County. Provides Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act services for Jefferson County Department of Job and Family Services. 
    Phone: 740-282-0971 
    Fax: 740.282.8361

  • Jefferson County Department of Job and Family Services

    Provides the Ohio Works First Program, Food Stamps, Children Services, Child Support, Medicaid, Transportation and Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act services. 
    Phone: 740-282-0961 

  • Ohio Department of Job and Family Services

    Unemployment compensation claim services are processed online or by telephone only. 
    Phone: 1.877.644.6562 
    TTY: 1.888.642.8203

  • Jefferson County Educational Service Center - Aspire

    Provides the Aspire Program which offers educational opportunities for adults who lack the basic skills needed for effective citizenship, further education and productive employment 
    Phone: 740.264.5591  or 1.800.682.6553 
    Aspire Student Registration Porta 

  • Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities

    Provides vocational evaluation, diagnostic testing, medical treatment, job training and placement services, and employment and training opportunities for disabled persons 
    Phone: 740.695.0404 
    TTY: 1.800.282.4536 (Ohio Only) or 614.438.1200

  • Service Community Senior Employment Program (SCSEP) - Goodwill

    Provides employment and training opportunities for low, moderate or no income job seekers aged 55 or over 
    Phone: 740-264-6000 

  • Veteran's Program

    Provides employment and training assistance to Veterans 

  • Jefferson County Joint Vocational School

    Jefferson County Joint Vocational School has Adult Education programs which serves all communities in Jefferson County. The program is offered for two seesions a year and offers a variety of career enhancement courses. 
    Phone: 740.264.5545 
    Fax: 740.264.3144

Updated: 12/12/24